Universal Design for Learning

This page served as an opening to the beginning understanding of universal design for learning. We included cited images to this content and (as noted below) added expanded descriptions to assure that accessibility was included. Throughout, we intentionally included questions and prompts to inquire about interests and perspectives as we sought shared meaning and understanding.


Steps in Our UDL Understandings

A graphic displaying the UDL steps. It is arranged as three ascending steps. The first step asks, "what do we know". The second step asks, "what are our interests". The third step asks, "what do we want to learn".

We are interested in expanding our understandings of universal design for learning as they relate to your educational settings. To begin we wish to find out more about what you currently know and observe in your own settings. What do you see? What are your interests? As we develop this shared understanding, we also hope to delve deeply with you in our acquisition of knowledge and meaning making around UDL.