Module 2: Introduction
First Step: Please share your feedback on your experience with Module 1.
(Prompt #4: As you’ve thought about UDL, how could this be important in your setting? Please provide your response in the section below:)
The framework of UDL includes three overarching principles which include engagement, representation, and strategy. This module will allow us to explore the Principle of Engagement. When we consider engagement in a learning situation, we think about how a learner finds purpose or is motivated towards a learning situation. Providing options for learner choice and content relevant to the the learner promotes their connection and engagement with the material. For example, some students are excited by certain topics because they relate directly to something that interests them. For other students, information that connects to their family, favorite sport, or favorite food may be the important connection. How we offer choices is also important in providing relevance and connection with the goal of a learning task. As educators, we have opportunities to design lessons and classroom discussions in ways that offer these multiple opportunities to engage all the learners in our classes. In this module, we will be learning about the third principle of UDL – multiple means of engagement. Begin to think about how you are currently engaging your students.
- Let’s begin with a perspective using an animated character created as a Voki (Voki is a free software program you can use to create talking characters).
- We have also added a transcript so that you can read exactly what is spoken in this Voki animation. This is invaluable for someone who may be deaf or hard of hearing.
- “OK, let’s demonstrate through some technology how learner engagement might be activated. Here I’m using an animated character referred to as a Voki. This is free and something I can add my own voice too, a transcript, or call in my message over the phone. For a student, they might use this medium to share their own knowledge of a particular lesson too. Am I engaging you?”
Module 2 Goals
- Develop an understanding of options for gaining students’ interest, developing learners’ self-regulation skills, and helping students sustain effort.
- Learn new strategies for engaging students throughout the entire lesson.
- Discuss how engagement is the “why”of learning.
Module 2 Activities
- Why is engagement important for student learning? Discuss as a group what engagement means. (Prompt#5: What did we learn about engagement during the first module? What questions do we have about engagement? Please provide your response in the section below:)
- What are our experiences? Take a few minutes to share with someone near you how you have successfully engaged your students. Now, share one thing you have learned from this conversation about how to successfully engage students.
- What does this really mean? Watch the video with Dr. David Rose discussing the Affective Brain and Engaging Learners. (Prompt#6: How does this apply to your students? Please provide your response in the section below:)
What does Multiple Means of Engagement look like in the classroom? Review the CAST UDL sample lesson in Lesson Builder ( identify multiple means of engagement present in the lesson.
- Use the green UDL Connections button on the right to explore how the lesson addresses the features of UDL. Do you use some of these strategies? How do they work for your students and for you? Do you see some ideas you’d like to try? What other ideas do you have about how to keep students engaged?
As you consider engagement, explore this UDL Principle on your own and,
- Read more about the third principle of UDL, Multiple Means of Engagement, at
- Explore the UDL Lesson Builder to find a lesson relevant to your teaching.
- Dig Deeper into online resources that address Multiple Means of Engagement at
(Prompt#7: What engagement strategies would you like to try in your classroom over the next few weeks? Please provide your response in the section below:)
UDL Engagement in Application
(Next Steps: When we meet again, be prepared to describe the following: What did you try in your classroom? How did that engage your students? Are there other engagement strategies that you would like to explore further?)